Off Campus PE Application
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The Off-Campus Physical Education Program is a cooperative arrangement between Fort Bend ISD and the approved off-campus establishments. Each establishment must meet all Fort Bend ISD’s Off Campus PE guidelines, which include a list of basic requirements/responsibilities that have been determined by Fort Bend ISD and the Texas Education Agency (TEA). These requirements must be met and maintained to be eligible for participation in the program. Fort Bend ISD is excluded from the liability/medical expenses that may develop from the student’s participation in the Off Campus PE activity including travel to and from the program.
Activities available through the Off-Campus Program are limited to activities that are not offered comprehensively through the physical education or athletic departments of the Fort Bend ISD.
- Dance (6th, 7th Grade Only)
- Martial Arts (High School Only)
- Golf (Middle School Only)
- Ice Hockey
- Ice Skating
- Gymnastics
- Swim (Middle School Only)
- Lacrosse (Spring Semester Only)
- Archery
- Diving
- Equestrian
- Fencing
- Synchronized Swimming
- Badminton
- Climbing
- Cycling
- Pentathlon
- Sailing
- Rowing
- Roller Sport
- Shooting
- Surfing
- Table Tennis
- Triathlon
- Wrestling
- Squash
Students participating in Off Campus PE may only participate with one agency/instructor at a time. Students may not be enrolled in a Physical Education class and Off Campus PE at the same time. Students are required to complete the state mandated physical fitness test (Fitnessgram) while enrolled in Off Campus PE. Students must participate at the approved establishment for the entire semester or transfer into a general Physical Education class to receive credit for PE. If there is a change in the student’s status with the program or schedule, it is the responsibility of the student and the parent to notify the school counselor/registrar. All 7th grade students must complete one semester of Health, so they are only eligible to participate in Category I Off Campus PE for one semester.
Students may only participate in Off Campus PE if their training site is on the approved commercial establishments list. Student applications are due no later than one week before the start of each semester.
If the student is approved, the guardian that submitted the application will receive and official acceptance e-mail. Please be sure that your child’s instructor understands that attendance and grade verification forms must be sent to your student’s registrar/counselor at the end of each nine-week grading period. These forms must show the days and hours of attendance and a numerical grade for that nine-week period. Students must attend at least 90% of the time for each grading period to receive a passing mark. A student who is required to attend school under the compulsory attendance laws and fails to attend school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period may be prosecuted for nonattendance.
CATEGORY I (Middle School & High School)
A Category I activity is a private or commercially sponsored physical activity that leads to Olympic level participation and/or competition. These programs involve a minimum of 15 hours per week of highly intense, professionally supervised training. The training facility, instructors, and the activities involved in the program must be certified by the superintendent or his/her designee to be of exceptional quality.
- The majority (10 hours or more) of the 15 hours must be achieved during the weekday (Monday-Friday) and should not include competition hours. Students must participate for the entire school semester and follow the district academic calendar.
- Students participating at the Category I level may receive a maximum of one-half credit per semester for a total of 1.0 credit (on level).
- Students participating at this level will be dismissed from school during the PE period (usually first or last period of the school day). Students must leave the campus during this time.
- Students qualifying and participating at this level may not miss any class other than a scheduled Physical Education class.
- It is anticipated that only a very limited number of students will qualify for this exceptional level of participation.
CATEGORY II (High School Only)
A Category II activity is a private or commercially sponsored physical activity program as certified by the superintendent or his/her designee to be of high quality, well supervised by appropriately trained instructors, and consisting of a minimum of five (5) hours per week.
- The majority of those 5 hours must be achieved during the weekday (Monday-Friday) and should not include competition hours. Students must participate for the entire school semester and follow the district academic calendar.
- High School students participating at the Category II level receive a maximum of one-half credit per semester for a total of 1.0 credit (2 semesters) toward their high school graduation physical education requirement. A maximum of one credit (on level) can be earned for Category II.
- Students certified to participate at this level may not be dismissed from any part of the school day.
In all cases, it is the responsibility of the superintendent or his/her designee to certify both the level of participation and the quality of the program. Additionally, the district is responsible for monitoring and recording the attendance of the students involved.
Written board policies must be adopted authorizing the private or commercially sponsored physical activity programs to substitute for physical education.
Off Campus PE Student Guidelines
- Student applications are due no later than one week before the start of each semester.
- Students must be enrolled for the entire. Students, who drop out prior to the end of the semester, will receive a grade of “fail”, and the Credit Verification form will be returned to the campus immediately. All 7th grade students must complete one semester of Health, so they are only eligible to participate in Category I Off Campus PE for one semester.
- Students must be in attendance for at least the minimum required hours per week; for their approved category, for the entire semester. This includes 15 hours per week for Category I. The majority of the hours (10 hours or more) must be accumulated during the weekday (Monday-Friday) and should not include competition.
- Attendance and Grade Verification Forms are due to the school’s counselor/registrar at the end of each nine-week grading period. Students, who do not submit their Attendance and Grade Verification Forms will be given a failing grade and will be placed in a general PE class. The Fort Bend Independent School District reserves the right to issue a grade based on available information.
- Student attendance records should be maintained at all times and available for inspection by a representative of Fort Bend Independent School District.
- The conditions as outlined in the student’s application shall be adhered to by the commercial establishment.
- Students in grades 6-8 can only participate in Category I Off Campus PE. All 7th grade students must complete one semester of Health, so they are only eligible to participate in Category I Off Campus PE for one semester.
- Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to participate in Category I or Category II Off Campus PE. The student is required to attend school under the Texas Compulsory Attendance Law. Students who fail to attend school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period may not be in compliance with the Texas Education Code, Sections 25.094 and 25.095.
- FBISD does not provide transportation to or from Off Campus PE activities. Transportation is the responsibility of the student/guardian.
If you have any questions please contact our Coordinator of Health and PE.